Mysticism and Meaning: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
This exciting new volume investigates the question of meaning of mystical phenomena and, conversely, queries the concept of “meaning” itself through insights afforded by mystical experiences.It brings together researchers from three different countries, representing highly disparate fields, including philosophy, psychology, history of religion, and semiotics. The point is to address the meaning of mysticism through a pertinent, up-to-date multidisciplinary approach. The editor’s introduction probes questions of complexity and perplexity as well as the reasons why problematizing mysticism leads to even greater enigmas. The thirteen chapters work along two main threads. One provides the contextual framework for the continuing fascination of mysticism, presenting historical traditions and personal accounts of mystical experiences; the other focuses on multidisciplinary investigations of the phenomenon of mysticism. A must-read for anyone wishing to expand their understanding of mysticism and its meaning.
Contents and Introduction
Paperback: $34.95, plus S&H / PDF ebook: $15.00