This book makes the self-cultivation of Daoist internal alchemy available to everyone. Avoiding predetermined academic categories, it provides an outline of basic concepts in conjunction with evolutionary theory as well as easily accessible practice instructions. Done correctly, the practice provides...
The Literati Path explores the life and teachings of the Ming author and alchemist Lu Xixing (1520-1601), who embodied the literati tradition of self-cultivation, learning internal alchemy from books and through spirit-writing seances with Lü Dongbin and other immortals. After...
This book translates Master Wang’s original practice instructions and discourses given during training seminars. His system of internal alchemy goes back to two ancient Daoist texts: the 13th-century Lingbao bifa, linked to the immortals Zhongli Quan and Lü Dongbin;and the...
Internal alchemy has been the dominant system of Daoist spiritual practice since the Song dynasty. Its practitioners transform body energies into subtle levels of spirit, hoping to find illumination by returning to the fundamental order of the cosmos and in...
This exciting new work translates two 12th-century texts associated with the legendary immortals Zhongli Quan and Lü Dongbin, founders of the Zhong Lü tradition of internal alchemy. First, the Zhong-Lü chuandao ji, in dialogue format, outlines the cosmological parameters of...